
Classes 和 Weather-Related Closings 和 Delays

Here's how to find out if 澳门十大赌城官方网站 will be closed or have a delayed opening on inclement weather days, including special instructions for online 和 hybrid (blended) classes.


  • 面对面的课程被取消.
  • Fully online classes will continue regardless of campus status.


下雪了! 我该走还是该留?

Make sure you know how to find out if FSU will be closed, have a delayed opening or close early on bad weather days.

The most reliable information regarding delayed openings 和 cancellations will be from FSU-controlled outlets (University voic电子邮件, 电子邮件, 伯格警告, 网站). Notification of delays or closures will also be made through these outlets:

  • Main University Number (301-687-4000, option 2) after 6 a.m.
  • 通过 伯格警告 短信和电子邮件提醒. Registration information is below.
  • 透过校园电邮
  • 在顶部 主页 FSU的网站
  • 通过 前苏联推特前苏联Facebook 页面
  • 通过当地电台


Everyone with an FSU 电子邮件 is automatically signed up for 伯格警告 TO THAT EMAIL. 伯格警告, in addition to weather notifications, alert the campus in an emergency.

You may also opt to have alerts sent as text messages to your cell phones (st和ard texting rates apply) 和 to other 电子邮件 addresses. 要报名,请到 BURG警报页面 or click the Emergency link at the bottom of the FSU home page. Follow the instructions, using your FSU user name 和 password to access the site. You have the option of having alerts sent to two cell numbers 和 six 电子邮件 addresses. (You may add your family members, or they may create their own accounts at the link above.) Make sure to follow the validation steps to activate your choices.

If you spend any time in the Frostburg area, it is highly recommended that you sign up for the text alerts to ensure you are notified of emergencies or weather-related schedule changes.

Unless an FSU closure is announced on the outlets above, WE ARE OPEN. The final decision regarding your safety resides with you. If, 在你看来, it is not safe for you to come to work while the University is still open, you must contact your supervisor 和 provide this information. In the event that liberal leave is announced for employees, it is expected that everyone will make an effort to report to work. Employees who take liberal leave will be charged for the appropriate leave time. The announcement of liberal leave DOES NOT cancel classes, nor does it relieve essential employees of their need to report to work during inclement weather.


The announcement of liberal leave for employees DOES NOT cancel classes. If you have concerns about your ability to make it to class in bad weather, discuss them with your faculty members BEFORE the weather turns nasty.

Depending on the severity of the weather, the Lane University Center, the Cordts PE Center 和 Ort 图书馆 may open with limited hours 和 services on days that classes are canceled. This service is for students living on campus 和 within walking distance. Do not attempt to drive to campus if the weather is severe enough to warrant closing the University, for your own safety 和 for the sake of those who must work to clear parking lots 和 sidewalks. When it is determined that it is safe to open these buildings, announcements will be made via student 电子邮件 和 the website 主页.

如果你使用SafeRide, there's a new way to stay informed in case SafeRide does not run in bad weather. Text the word "saferide" to 79516. You will receive a confirmation text that tells you that you have signed up successfully. You must have already signed up for 伯格警告 to use this service.


Weather-related closures or delays apply to employees whether working on campus or teleworking. Personnel compensation for closures or delays will be based on the appropriate cancellation/delay message as presented on the FSU voice-mail system. 一个提醒: Essential personnel are required to report to work in the event of any cancellation or delay. These individuals have been notified of their "essential" status by their department heads. If you are unsure of your status, please check with your supervisor.

If, 在你看来, it is not safe for you to come to work or to class while the University is still open, you must contact your supervisor 和 provide this information. In the event that liberal leave is announced for employees, it is expected that everyone will make an effort to report to work 和 class. Employees who take liberal leave will be charged for the appropriate leave time. The announcement of liberal leave DOES NOT cancel classes, nor does it relieve essential employees of their need to report to work during inclement weather.




或者查看 前苏联的网站


请注意: If there are mixed messages in the media (one station says we're open, another says we're closed) PLEASE call the University number (301-687-4000, 选项2)澄清. That number will always be the FINAL authority in case of confusion from other sources.